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Connected Learning


Connected Learning is a website where parents and families can receive additional support for their children's learning through online support from volunteer mentors. Support areas include tech (for example support with Zoom, Youtube or Google Classroom), translation, and subject specific knowledge (e.g. Maths or English).

Connected Learning aims to create a respectful, understanding and kind space where people feel comfortable to ask questions, seek guidance and support. 

The Need 

Connected Learning came directly out of the context created by Covid-19 and the closure of schools during lockdown. In particular, it was a result of conversations we had with parents who were struggling with online learning. This was for a wide range of reasons including difficulties using technology, insufficient communication from schools and difficulties in translating activities and resources. Parents were often under extreme pressure, and trying to support their childrens' education at home alongside full time work commitments - in many cases working in frontline jobs - as well as dealing with precarious working conditions, living in poverty and cramped or insecure housing etc. 

Connected Learning was set up to support families during school closures in lockdown, but we believe it can be a helpful place for parents to get additional support now schools are open, especially given the additional pressures both schools and families are under at the current time. 

What We Did 

In response to this we had the idea for what became the 'Connected Learning' website. A site monitored by Maslaha, where parents can log on and ask for help from our volunteers across the following areas:

  • Subject specific teaching (Maths, English etc)

  • Tech (Google classroom/Youtube etc)

  • Translation

We took part in a hackathon ( to develop the idea to set up an interface where parents could ask for help around key areas. Through the Hackathon we have now developed a website where parents and volunteers can sign up and parents can hopefully get the help that they need. You can read more about the generous tech team who contributed to this on the Connected Learning website. 

We are piloting Connected Learning in the London Borough of Newham from November 2020 to February 2021 before opening the platform up to other areas. 

If you are interested in offering mentor support please sign up on the Connected Learning website or contact us at with your name, contact number and skills you'd like to offer. Your support will be very welcome!


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