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Maslaha has a range of projects in areas including education, gender, criminal justice and health.


Maslaha's range of projects means we understand the multiple identities communities hold, and the multiple deprivations that can exist. 


We initiate and create spaces for people to contribute, shape and give a voice to their ideas and actions. This is an integral part of our work, our process, and enables new perspectives and interventions to be created.

Our projects are possible because of the generous support and partnership of our funders, who you can read more about under projects they have specifically funded. We wish to say a special thanks to the Pears Foundation providing us with unrestricted and project funding, and belief and trust in our work since Maslaha’s early days.



Featured Projects
Additional Services


As well as projects funded for fixed periods in the above areas of focus, Maslaha also provide a range of services including consultancy, conference and media appearances, research, one-off workshops, and service design.  


The Maslaha team has a diverse range of expertise. We can deliver workshops in areas including (but not exclusive to) gender equality, social entrepreneurship, tackling social inequalities, activism and the arts, criminal justice and cultural relevance in education and healthcare.


Maslaha has conducted diverse research that has impacted policy and practice in healthcare, criminal justice and education. We are always happy to consider commissions or to contribute to research pieces. 

Service Design

Maslaha has considerable experience in redesigning public services in imaginative ways to be more tailored to Muslim and other marginalised communities. This experience is rooted in our health work and we have now expanded this across our other areas of focus including education and criminal justice.

We are always happy to talk about opportunities to collaborate or get on board with new projects. If you would like to discuss an idea with us, below get in touch through the link below: 


Oxford House at Bethnal Green, Derbyshire St, London E2 6HG

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